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Łupikasza E.B., Niedźwiedź T., Przybylak R., Nordli Ø. 2021. Importance of regional indices of atmospheric circulation for periods of warming and cooling in Svalbard during 1920–2018. International Journal of Climatology 41: 3481–3502,
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Araźny A., Wyszyński P., Przybylak R. 2019. A comparison of bioclimatic conditions on Franz Josef Land (the Arctic) between the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth century and present day. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 137: 2623-2638. doi:

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Przybylak R., Wyszyński P., Woźniak M. 2018. Air temperature conditions in northern Nordaustlandet (NE Svalbard) at the end of World War II. International Journal of Climatology 38: 2775–2791. doi: