Przybylak R., Wyszyński P., Araźny A. 2021. Presentation: Comparison of early twentieth century Arctic warming and contemporary Arctic warming in the light of daily and sub-daily data. 50th International Arctic Workshop, 15-17 April 2021, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research. University of Colorado, see. Abstracts

Conference organization: 3rd International Conference POLAR CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE IN THE LAST MILLENNIUM, August 30 - September 1, 2021 Toruń, Poland. Presentations, see Abstracts

Przybylak R., Svyashchennikov P., Uscka-Kowalkowska J., Wyszyński P. 2021. Talk: "Solar radiation in the Arctic during the Early Twentieth Century Warming period (1921–50)", EGU General Assembly 2020, Online | 4–8 May 2020, see. Abstracts
Przybylak R., Wyszyński P. 2020. Talk: "Recent air temperature changes in the Arctic"Department of Physics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, India, Online 29 June 2020 
Wyszyński P., Nordli Ø., Przybylak R. 2019. 1 poster: Air temperature variability in NE Greenland in 1927–2017, European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Lyngby, Denmark, 9-13 September 2019
Przybylak R., Wyszyński P. Presentation: Temporal and Spatial air Temperature Changes in the Arctic, 1951 - 2015. Where the Poles come together, Polar 2018 SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, 19-23.06.2018, Davos.

Wyszyński P., Przybylak R. Poster: Air Temperature in Franz Josef Land Archipelago from 1899 to 1940. Where the Poles come together, Polar 2018 SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, 19-23.06.2018, Davos, Switzerland.

Przybylak R., Wyszyński P. Presentation: Recent air temperature changes in the Arctic in the light of observational and reanalysis data.The International Conference  „Interdisciplinary Polar Studies in Poland”, 17-19.11.2017, Warsaw.

Przybylak R., Wyszyński P., Klaus D., Dethloff K., Strzyżewski T. Poster: Evaluation of reanalyses for the Arctic based on instrumental historical observations. 5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5), 13-17.11.2017, Rome.

Klaus D., Wyszyński P., Dethloff K., Przybylak R., Rinke A. Poster: Evaluation of 20CR reanalysis data based on model results and observations from Franz Josef Land during ETCW. The 5th PAGES OSM (Past Global Changes Open Science Meeting), 9-13.05.2017, Zaragoza.

Przybylak R., Wyszyński P. Woźniak M. Poster: Air temperature and humidity conditions in the northern part of Nordaustlanded (Svalbard) at the end of World War II The Arctic Science Summit Week, 31.03-07.04.2017, Prague, Czech Republic.